
Dearest followers,
          	It has been awhile and I have decided to start writing again. At first I'm just going to blog and in the meantime I will be updating and re-writing my works. I have decided to instead keep all my emotions inside I will write them out and hopefully can rehabilitate myself back. My stuff will be a little dark for a while and will contain some very unpleasant and sad things. But I am taking this step as a road to recovery. I really thank you all for waiting so patently with me and I hope you stay with me through this journey :)


Dearest followers,
          It has been awhile and I have decided to start writing again. At first I'm just going to blog and in the meantime I will be updating and re-writing my works. I have decided to instead keep all my emotions inside I will write them out and hopefully can rehabilitate myself back. My stuff will be a little dark for a while and will contain some very unpleasant and sad things. But I am taking this step as a road to recovery. I really thank you all for waiting so patently with me and I hope you stay with me through this journey :)


@Bshart182 I miss you :( I hope things are looking up for you, I know it's still probably just as hard, but it will get better and it won't hurt as much after time. I'm patiently waiting for you to come back, take all the time you need! All your lovely fans will still be here when you get back. Keep your head up girl and I'm here if you need me! 


Hey all my lovelies this is the first time I've been  on in a while. I'm sorry to say I'm putting all my stories on hold. I have recently suffered a great loss and my will to write is down 100%. Once I start feeling better and my inspiration hits me I will start writing again. Again I am sorry to all my readers. Still love you lots!!!! 


I want you to know that you are amazing & you're my friend until my death. if i don't get this back, I understand. But, I have a game for you, once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 people. Including the person that sent it to you. if you receive at least 3 back, you are loved. Nobody knows how important something is until ..... they lose it. Tonight, right at 12:00a.m., the person you like is going to realize that they love you! Then, something is going to happen
          to you between 1:00 & 2:00 p.m Be ready for the greatest shock of your life. if you break this chain, you are going to have bad luck with love for a whole year.
          Send this to 15 people and see what happens. :)♥


For some reason I coulda sworn I thought your birthday was today, but then I saw it was yesterday and now I feel really really bad! So even tho it's one day late,  HAPPY  BIRTHDAY!!!  I hope you had a good one girl! 21 is exciting...well for a while anyways. I always thought it would be amazing but there really isn't a thrill anymore when you can walk in and buy your own alcohol in my opinion. Haha. 


Just posted Chapter 12 of Recoil! I hope you all enjoy it :) Thanks to MISSMiSsA for her amazing editing skills and pushing me to write it! You rock! 
          P.S Don't forget to comment and vote on it! It only takes a few seconds! Oh and Chapter two of Outnumbered is up also :) Thank you all for your support!!