
❝ I Had Closed off all avenues to Your grace,
          But then, I found myself at her doorstep, seeking solace and pace.
          And what an astonishment that You made her to heal and renew,
          So with gentle care, she led me back to You. ❞
          Salam! If you get time, check it out! You never know, you may find yourself adhering to it! 


Hello :) Thank you for all your votes and kind comments on my book ❤️ I really appreciate it. I hope you continue to enjoy it and would love to keep hearing your thoughts :D Also, I am a big fan of bubble tea! What's your favourite drink type?


@ TheLostAndFoundPile  I'm soo sorry. I actually didn't get any notification about this message. By the way I prefer warm bubble tea with bubble fruits. I hate tapioca pearls. What about you?