Hey everyone,
I wanted to notify everyone. I am still alive, however I’ve gotten to a very unique mental state and I’m very sorry for not updating. I know it’s been and while and I’m so very grateful you all are very patient with me. Especially for a first fic, I never imagined it would mean a lot to so many people. I’m very grateful for all of you. I just need some time right now, I’m not sure how much. But I promise I won’t forget about you guys or the fic. I just need some time to recover and reconnect with myself. I’ve found it very difficult to do the things I love and enjoy and that includes writing too unfortunately. I do have chapters that I’ve half written and still need to edit. So keep an eye out!
I also might just take a little break from the Hunter fic and write a new one and focus on that for a while while because I have also found it a little difficult to forward the story, but that just might be because I’m overthinking it haha... I’ve gotten very busy so, I think trying something new to refresh my mind might be a good call. Considering it’s fall season I have a few ideas, but don’t be shy to share any of your ideas.
Considering, over the garden wall, Coraline, Beatle Juice (including the new one), Frankeweenie, hotel Transylvania, or Adam’s family.
I’m all ears, I do find it easier to focus when I know what people want, if that makes sense? Once again thank you, all of you.
<3 :)
-Your Author,