
Hey! A new story is up! Historical fiction, for those of you who like westerns! https://www.wattpad.com/story/222266567


When is the new chapter of transformation & adaptation coming its so good its pulling on my heart strings! I have it too but im trying to be a normal person as i can be even though I have up's & down's sometimes but i get through it. Even though there is the cure for it i try to cure it myself to break the habits of my mental health problem to find new ways. Though i'm not like any other i try things like meditation or going on walks or exercising or doing some chores around my house in & out. But i do try to control myself more & not go savage on others but only being civilized.


I have autism as well i just don't like to talk about it. But i also have anxiety as well too.


@KaitSoderlund Uh... Are you talking about autism or anxiety? Also I've been working on another story. I'll probably continue T&A  when the dub for MHA season 4 comes out.


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Y'all I'm super fucking excited about my Red Dead 2 fic, like I ain't kiddin'. I am HYPED. Please take a look at it when you've got the time. I would love any feedback and support you guys could give me.


If you guys haven't caught it, I've updated Transformation & Adaptation! It has two new chapters featuring fan favorite, Izuku Midoriya! Feel free to read it whenever you get the time!! Thank you for those who have been reading and enjoying my story!