
New theme alert!!!! 
          	Twining with my favorite people @xoxodessygirl and @torichristina literally my favorite people to exist! Because we’re SJM girlies we picked our favorite characters from each book. 
          	Des chose Nesta from ACOTAR 
          	Tori chose Bryce from Crescent City 
          	I chose Aelin from TOG who literally owns my heart. 
          	Our background is the stars. Just like the city of starlight. I hope yall love it. 


New theme alert!!!! 
          Twining with my favorite people @xoxodessygirl and @torichristina literally my favorite people to exist! Because we’re SJM girlies we picked our favorite characters from each book. 
          Des chose Nesta from ACOTAR 
          Tori chose Bryce from Crescent City 
          I chose Aelin from TOG who literally owns my heart. 
          Our background is the stars. Just like the city of starlight. I hope yall love it. 


Guyssssssss I got a chapter of Fevered Soliloquy out for y’all!!!! I hope you guys love it. Please let me know your thoughts on it. It is a longggg one. 
          Also you will be getting a chapter of my Percy story hopefully this weekend as well. 
          Sorry for the long time between updates, I work a lot and when I get home I’m just exhausted. I will try to start being better about getting you more consistent updates. It’s also hard when my Jasper book chapters are usually over 8000 words. 


Thank you guys for all your support and kind messages. Things have been figured out, at this point it is a waiting game. My way of thanking you for all the lovely messages is giving you a PJO update. So YAY! My plan is to update two books tomorrow. Fingers crossed. 
          Love you guys!


Hey yall! 
          I was going to update this week, but some issues have been happening in my life. My fiancé and I have been renovating our house. 
          Last night said house was broken into. And we lost a lot of expensive items and tools. They practically took everything. Thank gods we have insurance and are covered. But it has thrown a wrench into things. 
          I will be back, but I might be MIA for awhile while I deal with this. Thank you guys for being understanding. It really means a lot. 


@BuckyVerstappen98 Hi from author to another author. Would you be interested in reading my book Dark Romance "Creature". I have been working on it for months, and if you can tell me what you think about it?


@BuckyVerstappen98 I hope you guys are okay and take all the time you need :) ❤


@BuckyVerstappen98 oh my gosh, I hope you’re both okay♥️
            Glad to hear the insurance will help you out, take all the time you need x


Hello my Cub Scouts!!!!!!
          I’ve got a new chapter for yall from Divine Existence!!! Guess who you get to meet for the first time I hope yall like this chapter!!
          Please let me know what you think about it. Honestly it helps me a lot as a writer. Hearing your guys comments helps me adapt a best as I can. Have a great night!!!