So I am thinking do I skip Brady and Colin and just do 2nd books on those that had preteens (8-13 year olds) Ie Sam, Jared, Embry? And do proper mini Oc books where they have 2-6 years old Ocs to bring out their fun goofy side?
Side note I'm doing Jacob and Quil book rn!! They are almost done!! I'm doing five chapters writing a day per book so don't worry they'll be out soon :) thank you for your patience❤️
Please note when they come out, please read the whole book don't just miss chapters out or not acknowledge them just to ask for more books! I work hard and I love seeing comments votes and appreciations❤️❤️
Paul Seth Quil Leah may get 2nd books I'm not sure yet!
Jacob won't because I did when I first started writing a mini Oc book for him so he had 2 books!