// omg! Finally someone said something! I’ve seen it, and even if there is a spoiler warning it’s still terrible that people recorded it, as well as people can illegally see the movie from the internet meaning someone illegally got the movie onto the internet and it’s absolutely aggravating to think, that people would so heartlessly take things that someone worked so hard on , to just do what ever they want with it.
I honestly wish that Instagram would take down every post with endgame spoilers whether it be the content or the comments. It hurts to be on there and have the movie ruined for me, I actually know who dies, who lives, and what’s the outcome of three main characters just because someone was so heartless and spoiled to true outcome of the movie. I haven’t see it and won’t see it till way later and it sucks that, it’s not even been a week, and I’m already drowning in photos, and videos and mega spoilers from the movie.