
Hello birdies.
          	This is something that I think everyone should know about.
          	I was chatting with my best friend, when I noticed that one of my friend posted something in her status. I saw a video where there was a picture of a senior, who I knew, not very well, but I have seen him our our school campus, and he lived close by.
          	The video was of his mother crying and telling the reporters what happened. Turns out while returning home last Thursday, he was in an accident. When he was admitted in a hospital, the police harassed his parents, and when his parents finally reached the hospital, the staff said that he was taken to another hospital by the police.
          	Again when they reached that hospital, they found out that Police left him in front of the hospital. He WAS ALIVE AT THAT POINT. HE WAS KILLED! He was a bright student with a good future.
          	Agnikar dasgupta from class 11 has died in a road accident.. Unfortunately we lost one of our most favorite slsian he was really a kind ,helpful bright student...
          	We unfortunately lost Agnikar dada. It was even more shocking for me, as I saw him last Thursday. Even students from other schools knew him.
          	Please be careful, WE ARE NOT SAFE ANYWHERE. STAY SAFE, AND BE CAREFUL. That's all I ask for.
          	Bye for now my birdies. 


Hello birdies.
          This is something that I think everyone should know about.
          I was chatting with my best friend, when I noticed that one of my friend posted something in her status. I saw a video where there was a picture of a senior, who I knew, not very well, but I have seen him our our school campus, and he lived close by.
          The video was of his mother crying and telling the reporters what happened. Turns out while returning home last Thursday, he was in an accident. When he was admitted in a hospital, the police harassed his parents, and when his parents finally reached the hospital, the staff said that he was taken to another hospital by the police.
          Again when they reached that hospital, they found out that Police left him in front of the hospital. He WAS ALIVE AT THAT POINT. HE WAS KILLED! He was a bright student with a good future.
          Agnikar dasgupta from class 11 has died in a road accident.. Unfortunately we lost one of our most favorite slsian he was really a kind ,helpful bright student...
          We unfortunately lost Agnikar dada. It was even more shocking for me, as I saw him last Thursday. Even students from other schools knew him.
          Please be careful, WE ARE NOT SAFE ANYWHERE. STAY SAFE, AND BE CAREFUL. That's all I ask for.
          Bye for now my birdies. 


If someone looked at me, and said that "You are crazy" I would believe them without a second thought. I know I am crazy, even my mother says that I am, and with my ideas, I am going mad.
          I wish to update soon still not done rewriting the second chapter of WABI SABI.
          Life Sucks.
          Bye for now dear birdies! 


That desire to save the number of your friend with something so weird that you forget what you saved her with.
          No one? Okay it's only me then.
          BTW I dislike this girl so I gave her a new name. A name that will make everyone who knows how bossy she is laugh. It is. Salad without the D. Hah! Take that Saladnya.
          Also I have no idea of when to update as I am currently in middle of my Unit test 1. And I am participating in wall magazine, where I am tasked with writing more about Prof. Shonku.
          And! Maa is buying me three new books this month! I am soooooooo happy! And I promise to update soon. Bye for now my dear birdies! 


          I know that I am not updating, but I don't think I can, not right now. One of my girlfriend (we were in a poly) broke up with me, and our other Gf. So I am really sad rn. But they are also my best friend, and now she is ignoring me, I just want to cry.
          I don't really want my mother to know, so I please don't expect me to write, I am trying really hard to make my mom happy, and now with my best friend ignoring me, it makes it even more hard.
          And if you ever wanna chat, you can msg me anytime. Thanks for reading my books, it means a lot to me. 


Hey everyone.
          So i have been facing a lot of problems in wattpad, like today, I was writing a book just stared on the characters part, when all of the sudden I was forced out of wattpad, and when I finally opened it again, I found that it was not exactly my story, like it had the name and the book cover, but 17 chapters were posted.
          It was named "Story of a young teenage girl" or something, it was not something I wrote, i was so shocked that I restarted my device, so I ask, if you have any idea about this please tell me. Its my only request. 


this message may be offensive
So recently, I finished Twisted Love, and I am obsessed with books even more now, currently reading Twisted hate, and after finishing the twisted series, I wanna read Hunting Adeline.
          I ordered 'Good girl's guide to murder' all three books, but Amazon decided that it was a great idea to cancel EVERY FUCKING TIME. Please excuse my... Colourful language. And I have been angry ever since, Ik I said that I am gonna post soon, but my grade rn is not an easy one.
          I have been suffering with Chemistry and Mathematics, for weeks now, and my school is reopening on Monday. During online classes I didn't write any of the notes, so now I have to write them.
          And on top of all that my Mom is going on and on and on about how I am totally ignoring Geography and History. So my updates are gonna be random, when I post I might post a few chapters at once, and then disappear for a month or so.
          Also my mom is sick, so more pressure on me. Great.
          So my dearest buddies, I have no idea of anything right now, hope you would find it in your hearts to forgive me, and my proof reader is my best friend, you guys know her as Armyforevah100 or Sassy Psycho, so whenever she gets some time, she is gonna proof read my chapters so it might take even longer, because we are not in the same section.
          Bye for now ig, love you all so much, and thank you for reading my books. See you again in the next chapter I post. Bye! ❤️