
Follow up to my last announcement, I will keep Gay in the 1940's up. While scrolling through my notifications after so long, I noticed a few people had it in reading lists. I felt bad taking it away so I put it back up. It will remain on a hiatus for now and who knows, maybe one day I'll continue it :P


Follow up to my last announcement, I will keep Gay in the 1940's up. While scrolling through my notifications after so long, I noticed a few people had it in reading lists. I felt bad taking it away so I put it back up. It will remain on a hiatus for now and who knows, maybe one day I'll continue it :P


My past books will also be taken down, not only are they embarrassing but some are bad memories. Let's start anew okay? I will also be switching my name officially to camille12tree, please remember I am BuenosAires13 okay? ♡´・ᴗ・`♡


Hello to everyone who has stuck around and some people who still have even still read my books!
          I lost passion to write because the story that I was writing was supposed to come from inspiration from my relationship with someone who I still care dearly about, we broke up so as you can imagine it only made me upset whenever I tried to continue it.
          Relationships are very special, you should never take for granted what you have. I want to write a book about relationships, about toxic ones and good ones. About when something is your fault or when your need to stick up for yourself. As a teenage girl in high school I hope my upcoming book will help other girls who experience the same problem. Please keep in touch with my page as I will be releasing an update book on the story, this time it will not be released until it is finished. It won't be long, it'll be written throughout the holidays and such so when those are over I need to focus on my schoolwork. I just hope I can bring some people help who don't know what to do.


I watched Joana ceddias about being afraid of minecraft
          and I caN noT AgReE moRe.
          While I used to enjoy playing Minecraft because I liked putting mods in it and stuff, Zombies and spiders terrified me. Like can you just imagine waking up in an island in the middle of god knows wear, then the sun starts to set and you find yourself in the middle of a walking dead movie.


@BuenosAires13 ya mean walking dead episode right, there isnt a movie out. Yet. I didnt mean to aound rude if i did oft, welp (:_;)


*Ceddias video