I've been going through spells of being unmotivated with writing. I might have something all planned out but suddenly I lack the capacity to write the scene or chapter out. I don't know if I'm somehow pressuring myself too much with my writing. I try to do it for fun but then I set goals or treat it like it's a job and I have to write regularly but that's so tiring. I know what it's like when reading something, getting really into it and then finding it hasn't been updated in a month or year. It's something you seriously enjoy and want to keep reading but you can't for whatever valid reason an author gives. Sometimes I hate how much of a process writing really is. :/ I really want to be a writer who can update regularly but I can't. I exhaust myself. There's a chapter I've finally gotten back to writing after maybe 3 weeks? I don't know, but it's roughly 5000 words and I've still got a bunch to write. It's all from the depths of my mind too so I haven't got much outside of my brain to help me with it. If it was a normal chapter I'd just be able to fill in and then come back later to fix it up and make it more readable but this is hard.
So sorry for the rant to whoever took the time to read it. Much appreciated.