Quick question... Are you wearing a MCR shirt in your profile picture?? (I love MCR)

@blackveilbridesfan82 lol it's okay the Zombie story I'm working on isn't very good with punctuation and stuff like that whenever I first started :p I'm still not all the way to being a "pro" writer, I'm alot better I guess you could say? Lol but yeah anytime I read someone's story on here it makes me feel good to know I'm not alone haha. It annoys me when I see some of the comments people post on there it's like well if they made a mistake or misspelled something just fix it in your head and move on don't complain about it. :p that's one thing I'm worried about, getting so douche bitching about my writing skills lol

Oh cool (: I'm warning you, some of them were written when my writing was kind of bad so sorry in advance

@blackveilbridesfan82 lol that's cool :) I'll have to read them when I get a chance.