hey guys, i’m finally back (actually back i promise) and ready to get this account into full swing, so here are a few updates on everything: ⇉ first of all omg what is up with wattpad not letting me use emojis on mbs like no, i don’t need that negative energy thank you very much ⇉ i’m fit to burst from all the ideas fizzing around in my mind so hopefully i’ll manage to get a few of those down and have something for y’all by the weekend ⇉ i finally managed to drag myself to waterstones today, and, instead of getting a hoard of ya murder mysteries like i’d been planning on doing, i found myself with Dorothy must Die, Enchantee, and Code Name Verity which all sound very exciting, can’t wait to read them- anybody read any of those, and if so, how’d you find them?! i’m thinking of making a goodreads account just for the fun of it- despite my burning hatred for that website, every single time i try to google a book to find reviews, people’s negativity ruins it for me *envision that extremely handy sobbing emoji inserted here please* ⇉ lastly and most importantly, how are y’all?! who’s doing nano? what’ve you been up to recently (somebody please take pity on me and reply to this or i will cry)

@BuildMeUp_Buttercup lol yeah i can’t even remember my goodreads password i always have to change them xdd and literally ik the reviews are SO LONG like who has that sort of time, especially to add all the gifs and random pictures and stuff like just rate the book with stars oml xdd. oh and thank you for my heart, it’s very necessary <3333

@abbilovegood eee i’m glad to be back it was driving me mad to not get any writing time and i honestly cannot wait to start dorothy must die it sounds so cool, i’ve started enchantee and i love the mix of like history and fantasy it’s great AND I HAVE SO MANY BOOK BOYFRIENDS IT’S NOT GOOOOODDDDDD MY EXPECTATIONS ARE SKY HIGH AT THIS POINT hope you’re gooddd <33333