
The very first series of this account is up!! You guys could read the first part of the fanfiction called " City Of The Dead" Thanks


 Unnie you posted a video on YouTube "The Siren:Insight" just wanted to know if you want to continue it because it so cool even if it is the first episode it is addictive and the way you wrote it makes you feel like you are really in the story so if you could upload it in YouTube or even in wattpad it will be a dream come true for me. 


@Naisha_kpopstanner4  I really didn't feel like continuing it but looks like I have to continue it now. I am glad that you guys liked it. I truly can't express how much a comment from you guys means to me. Thanks a lot for taking your time to watch it. And I will try to finish the story . It might take a very long time but I will finish it. Thanks a lot again <3


@Naisha_kpopstanner4 I am a follower of your YouTube channel so that's why I wanted to ask you this


author-nim i am one of your subscriber on your youtube channel, can you post "Winter Prophecy" here on wattpad because i really really like the story so much but i dont always have internet connection so can you post it on wattpad so i can always read it, but its ok if you  cant.thank you


@army917kookieee Its ok, thank you for the response tho :)


@army917kookieee Hi this is Zedd, the author  of A Winter Prophecy. 
            So, I can't actually publish it on wattpad as I dont have the script of AWP:Inception. I will publish it at one point but it won't be anytime soon... probably after 2-3 years. SO, sadly I can't publish it on wattpad. Sorry to hear that you don't have internet connection often but well, I can't really do much about that... I guess you have to try to watch it on Youtube sadly.


@army917kookieee THANK YOU and YOUR WELCOME