@BulletsNBlood --; I am not YOUR anything, you are my play thing. I am not yours in any shape, form or fashion. You are my toy in which I can make fun of and abuse. :3 But you still love me Jay, so it's all fantabulous~
@BulletsNBlood *punches* Bish you just call me a bitch? D.D I'm a bish and mean, you're point is what exactly? And my name is A L E X , you're Jay, Jay >.>
@BulletsNBlood Psh, you wish you had my last name xD you forgot my tilde on my second n though ._. Also delete that, I don't want people knowing my last name... Lol I can deal with Jay but fak your last name I like mine :3 #Sorry#NotSorry xDDDD #YouStillLoveMe