
Heyey babes imma sleep, my eyes are watery and yeh.


@Bully-Free-Zone ohhh no I hope you're fine now x) have an amazing day/night!!! And fighting to you sincerely 


We are @FightBullying and we aim to FIGHT BULLYING! It has affected many in lives and that is not fair to the victim! We aim to spread positivity and bring light to this.
          Check out our website that is created by seven people who shared their own testimonies of being bullying. 
          Many people believe that bullying is only done as a teen but there are adults who also experience the same.
          Please be aware of what bullying really is. 


Heyy Guys,
          So I'm making a new book about actual bullying stories and if you have one you want to share my pms are always open.
          It is made for people who can not say thier story or dont have enough courage to do so. I would be greatful if anyone ones me thier story


"People have real problems." sounds obvious right? Why do we undermine the significance of the statement then?
          Depression, Anxiety, Bullying (cyber, mental or physical), Low Self Esteem, Discrimination, suicidal tendencies e.t.c. are all increasing at a rapid rate.
          The RYID support group is an avenue to share your experiences, thoughts and problems(anonymously)and hopefully find a solution or suitable advice. 
          Read the book for more info. 
           #AimToEncourage #YourStoryMatters