Yes i have had some homophobic people who was in my life which are not no more you see my father is gay and he in my uncle as I call him Mama have been together with 45 years sadly he passed away October 1st of last year me and my sister are both bisexual my son is bisexual my nephew two of them are gay I got problem with that people need to get their heads out the rears and see what life really is but wanted to let you know I support you 100%

I think they do it because they see the people who are not heterosexual happy and having a good life so they're jealous so what the best way to do it is by putting them down but eventually when the person wakes up they are going to realize that it's not only their opinion but everyone's opinion because if they're closed minded their opinion in my book does not count

I'm so glad to see so many people that are proud of whatever they are because you shouldn't have to be scared and hide what you are. It makes me happy that you're family is very LGBTQ+ positive but even though there are so many positive people there are still so many negative people, which makes me very confused because how does it affect them? It just is so confusing. I can't stand toxic people. Their logic makes no sense.

I love you ❤️ Thank you for your support on my fanfic! I’m very grateful towards you.

Ahhh you're so cute ❤️ I looove your writing, you're so talented I can't wait to read your new stories