
this message may be offensive
I'm going to cry because of the ending in KOTLC unlocked
          	Ok so I really hope Keefe doesn't get abducted by the neverseen, why can't that child just LEARRN like hun going on a tour in America  is only gonna get you killed unless you somehow kill your mother with the power of kentucky fried chicken otherwise chile,,, prepare to die 
          	like sofie you better save our dumb little angel


this message may be offensive
I'm going to cry because of the ending in KOTLC unlocked
          Ok so I really hope Keefe doesn't get abducted by the neverseen, why can't that child just LEARRN like hun going on a tour in America  is only gonna get you killed unless you somehow kill your mother with the power of kentucky fried chicken otherwise chile,,, prepare to die 
          like sofie you better save our dumb little angel


I've been working on the beginning of a story (this is more of a prologue) idk pls read it, and I'll take any advice:
          The clock had been about to tick over the number nine billion for a while now. I remember once when we were only fifty away. Every time we got close though, there would be a mass tragedy. No one could figure out who was behind it, some said the mafia, some said an unnamed crazy man, no one knew for sure though. But one thing was for sure, the government had been waiting for the clock to go off. Then…
          Red, so much red. That’s all I remember. And the noise. It was blaring, so loud every sound now is comparable to a whipser. Not that there is much sound. Or any sound louder than a whisper. We’ve been preparing for this moment, but nothing could prepare you for having to leave your life behind. Nothing could prepare you for hearing screams, for wondering if that scream belonged to someone you loved. But there is no love now. All there is, is survival….


I've been playing Among Us a lot recently and the first time I played I got imposter and won... I honestly have no clue how, I can't win as an imposter anymore. XD
          ps, please go check out my new graphics book!! and have a lovely day


To anyone, and Everyone.
          You are loved.
          You are beautiful.
          You are not, and will never be a burden.
          Keep your head up, and your self-esteem higher, because you DESERVE IT.
          Whatever they said, whatever they did, it doesn't define YOU. Don't let someone who doesn't know your struggles, who doesn't know what your fighting against or for, don't let ANYONE try and tell you who you are. 
          Self-harm isn't, and will never be the answer. 
          Get rid of the people who tell you what you can and can't be. Get rid of the people who try and define who you are for you. GET RID OF THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE YOU FEEL UNIMPORTANT OR UNWORTHY BECAUSE YOU ARE IMPORTANT AND YOU ARE WORTHY!! (I know you can't always get rid of them, but try not to listen to them!!)
          When you look in the mirror, see the beautiful human being you are. Think of all the good things you've done. Think of the good things you're going to do. 
          You're past doesn't define you either. Everyone has made mistakes, small ones, big ones, intentional ones that they later regret. It's your present that defines you, your heart that defines you. 
          Don't be ashamed of who you are. Your struggles are your battle scars you have to wear proudly.
          I might not know you, but I know you are worthy of a crown. I don't care what mistakes you've made, what other people believe about you, any of that nonsense, you deserve a crown to put on that head of yours. 
          You are loved.
          You are beautiful.


Please go check out squishmallow09's story for more info!!
          Grace_is_Fitz is now Chandler_0845, they are not going to commit suicide right now, but still, send them the occasional love! Again please go check out squishmallow09's story!!


Grace_is_Fitz needs help, their account isn't here anymore so just spread the message and love!!  #StayStrongGrace 
          Make sure to send this to other people so Grace_is_Fitz might see it!! This is REALLY IMPORTANT, PLEASE SPREAD THIS MESSAGE


@Bunny-Eraser You go it. I posted a message on my message board yesterday and I wrote a note on her profile before she deleted it. I hope she's okay and thank you for posting this!