
          	I know I said the 14th BUT I HAVE A GREAT REASON WHY I
          	 DIDN'T UPLOAD! I was super busy and a lot was happening all at one so most likely I'll have up on the first of March. Sorry guys, I'll do better.


Wow….Ummmm what a Break…Writers Block is a real thing but since it’s my first day back and I seen how many people enjoy this story of mine, it brings back great memories. So yes, I will be continuing He was looking for a soy but instead he found me right back up the will be uploaded on Feb 14 


So I have been gone...everything has been really tuff but I do thank everyone for being patient with me as much as possible. I made a promise to myself that I was going to complete this and I will. Today was the day I reached my milestone Chapter. I made it to chapter 10 and I couldn't do it without the true motivation of my partner in crime, Mr. JJfish, and you all. I'm loving it


Hey my lovelies,  
          I am working on the 8th chapter and I'm trying to update it as fast as I can hopefully by the end of this month or maybe even earlier. Thank you for being so patient me the updating process! I hope near this summer I would be available to catch up on the missing time. 
          Thanks for understanding!
          see you later if not too soon!


Okay first, 
          Thank you guys for waiting patiently for this update. A lot has happened in the last few days/weeks but now I'm back and I was officially able to finish this chapter in less than 2 days!! yay!!
          Now that I have all the stuff that I needed for writing, I will now be able to finish the series! 
          Thank you all so much! I love you guys!