
So i work at a minimum wage job and today I got 13 dollars in tips, you have no idea how happy I am RN. My boss also gave me free gummy bears, so big bonus.


Hey, this is TopOfTheBlacklist. I had to get a new account.


@PhoenixTheToymaker I thought you were gone... I thought I'd never get to talk to you again...


So i work at a minimum wage job and today I got 13 dollars in tips, you have no idea how happy I am RN. My boss also gave me free gummy bears, so big bonus.


@BunnySweetDreams Wtf
            Man dude
            The job I'm looking at is like way better wth
            I wanna be a baker at this bakery down the road from my house


Apologies for coming out of the blue, but I'm here to leave a message because I want to. (::
          Don't let this world make you bitter. Don't let the actions of other people turn you cold on the inside. Certain things happen that hurt us, people come that leave us, and most of all there are moments when you're bound to fall. Don't let those things make you unkind. It's okay to cry. It's okay to be sad. We're human. We break. We make mistakes. But don't let pain and sadness run your life. Wake up in the morning and do what you think is right. There are moments in your life where you feel like giving up and you can't take it anymore. It's okay. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. The things that show your weak side are also the same ones that make you stronger in the long run.