
Oh wow..I havn't been on here in forever WELP back to writing :D 


Over 40 follows!!!!
              This is amazing, the amount of support you give me is amazing! I really can't express how grateful I am towards all of you.  I would love to start a new book so leave some suggestions please. 
            Special followers- 
          - The_Devil_Type  for being my best friend (irl) and being my first follower
          - Awesome-Dreamer My second follower and being there 
          - Willowheart23 for being very nice and following
          - Anlarsindagecolur being my 40th follower
          - lastly and my favorites of all...... you!!


Yay it's 1:22 am! I've reached my goal of 20 followers, I can't express this happiness and tiredness I'm feeling!
           I would like to thank everyone for the help of achieving this milestone!!! I want everyone to know that this small contribution impacts me....us in a huge way so thank you all! 
           That weird person,
              P.s shoutouts later in the day