I should check your profile more often o-o I just check the group chat...
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Aight is everyone dead??? Or am i just the one whos dead???
I should check your profile more often o-o I just check the group chat...
Aight is everyone dead??? Or am i just the one whos dead???
Happy New Years!! And happy birthday Principal Nezu!! XD ImMa KeEp CeLeBrAtInG aNiMe BiRtHdAyS XD
Kay....i just figured out we missed Todorokis and Dabis b day...but Kacchan's a weed boi...
Its Ochako-chan's birthday!!! Happy Birthday!!!
I got a Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu keychain!! And more anime stuff!! XD
@Burning_Lies I’m still at my grandparents house and I’ll be home tomorrow, so I’ll take a picture and show you then XD
@Burning_Lies I got 11 books!!!! ! :D Also I’m glad ur keychains are not also going Ò Ó | ____ XD
Oml... @MagicalSquigg if you have Gacha Life... YoU cAn MaKe AlL mIgHt...you can make his hair at least XD
@Burning_Lies I do! I use it to make OCs I’m having trouble designing xp I saw his hair there one day and it made me laugh XD
So I got this Todoroki keychain for Yule yesterday (my family celebrates it kinda like a little mini Christmas on the 21st, and then we have a big Christmas with the rest of our family on the 25th) which would be awesome, except his eyes were printed on wrong, so now he’s perpetually stuck looking like ò ó | ___ XD
@MagicalSquigg ok so I’m home & I have the picture, I just gotta find the time to upload it XD
Have you seen the episode that came out today yet qwq
@MagicalSquigg me and my bestie already got our halloween costumes ideas for next year XD We're most likely gonna be Shigaraki and Toga cuz my bestie has a binder so she can be Shigaraki and I can be Toga since I dont have a binder ÙwÓ
If you remove the first letter of Empty, it's pronounced the same way, if you remove the last letter, it's still the same and even if you go on to remove the first, third and last letters you'll be left with 'MT'. And if you remove all the letters, it still empty.
For once I went out of my comfory zone and now I'm writing and making a song... I am DiStUrBaNcE
@Burning_Lies I mean.... I sometimes try to sing my own lyrics..... But besides from that I have no idea.....
@KuroShinjuMaru @MagicalSquigg @Josejacobmk Does anyone know how to make music...????????
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