
You know what would make a badass sit-com?
          	A group of like 5-7 college students who are some of the most chaotic bunch raising a baby together (platonicly)


Hello do you roleplay?


@BurntCrispyBacon it did not work try mine


@sukasee my user should be JustYourAverageHomo


this message may be offensive
Guys I just realized how different everything is T-T things I've only ever thought about when I was younger
          1. Queen Elizabeth Died
          2. Dan TDM has 2 kids
          3. LaurenZside is ABOUT to have 2 kids
          4. Moriah Elizabeth has a kid 
          5. There's no dab (thank god)
          6. Ellie died(Dan TDM)
          7. 4 of our dogs died )): (we have 5 left)
          8. Minecraft has changed a shit load
          And that's only the stuff off the top of my mind! Wtf bro, where did the time go 


I hate it when I bring up the newest rom-com I'm reading, show I'm watching or anything like that, and someone goes like "of course it gay/lgbtq that's the only thing to read/watch" and im left there feeling put down. Until you realize. The only thing YOU watch/read is straight isn't it? If you happen to come by a lgbtq character it's purely by chance, and you have the AUDACITY to come for me when reading/watching something that makes me happy, something that makes me feel accepted. For a lot of people, and even sometimes for me Lgbtq creators are the only thing that remind me to be myself and that it's ok. The ratio to Lgbtq and straight stuff is so vase it gets hard to find any content without digging, whereas basically anything you find is straight and represents you. If you would shut up and let me read/watch something that makes me feel seen that would be great Betty. 


@BurntCrispyBacon Sure! I have a couple of recommendations (: "Girl of the Sea" is a good one. Or "Hani and Ishus Guide to Fake Dating" is also a great read. Do you have any recommendations for me??


Number one, this. I 100% agree with this. I adore watching/reading queer content (specifically stuff with NB or Lesbian rep) *because* it makes me feel represented. I shy away from the overly straight because media is one of the few places I can see someone like me, and cis-het just ain't me. Number two, the fact that you labeled this aggressor as Betty has me cackling. And finally three, I'd love some recs if you have any. <3


You guys know when your gay(or straight) for someone and you want to change your wallpaper to a picture of them, but then you think about how they or someone else might see it. THEN your just like "i don't need to explain myself" end up staring at a picture of them and then change it to them just to see what it would be like if you guys got together and they were your wallpaper??????  sorry that was a lot