"Again, why did you buy this?"
"Well, I didn't see why I shouldn't."
Behind Gleaves, on a crane, was a Tomahawk missile launcher, the quad one to be exact. He looked proud of himself as it hung behind him.
"You... you can't even use that!" The commander was (rightfully) in shock. It was 1983 and the damn things had just come out a year ago, Gleaves was still using guns from 1942, how in the name of god was he supposed to mount a brand new state of the art missile launcher?
"Well, if I can't use it, you could always give them to Jersey, or Yorktown, or Benson! What about giving them to Bens-"
"Benson is the same class as you Gleaves."
"We were designed differently though, that's why I'm the leader of a subclass! Can you please, please, please, pretty please try it!"
The commander's hand rose to his face as he came to terms with the decision, "Fine. I'll ask Akashi later. I'll just give the paperwork to Suffern or Swiftsure."