Dear Viewers. I apologize for being quiet as long as I have. I would like to continue writing stories again, however I will be changing the style of my writing. I will be writing short stories of any gene. Horror, fantasy, romance, sci-fi, ect. (except for historical short stories.( Sorry historians!)) (That being said I will do historical fiction!) I will delete any unfinished stories on this account (simply so I do not have them hanging over my head). I would also like if you guys sent me story ideas. You can message me in my inbox, or you can reply to this conversation to give me story ideas. And yes, I will be giving credit in the description of the story, the start of the story and end of the story to those who give me ideas. (I guess I should mention that by ideas I mean gene or plots of the story (the plot doesn't have to be complete, just enough for me to get an idea.)) This message is long enough, so I will see you later. Bye!

@ButtercupsAndRoses I think you should write another love story for Alice Kingsleigh and Tarrant Hightopp (two people from the movie Alice in Wonderland). It should be about what would have happened if Alice decided to stay in Underland with her Hatter . Just an idea.