
I haven't been on here in so long...but I'm back! The first part of Chapter 5 is scheduled to be posted next Wednesday at noon!
          	I can't believe it's been 4 years already since I started this whole thing. I'm literally starting college in a few weeks, and so much has changed in my life since  the time I started writing Trapped. The plot has also changed, but that's for me to know (figure out) and you to find out (along with me, just maybe a few weeks later than I do).
          	Also, it looks like I can keep to my posting schedule from last year, because I picked my classes in a way that I have a completely free day on Wednesday for now. Because of that, I've scheduled Chapter 5, Part 1 to be updated at noon instead of between 3 and 4 pm (Pacific). We'll see as time goes how well this works.


@ButterflyDharsh i'm super happy for you! it's funny how fast life flies by, truly


hey! is there any chance you could beta read a new story I kinda started?i would really appreciate it! I'm revamping an ancient story (one I don't think even you know) for my bff's birthday in a few months :)


@ButterflyDharsh omg that would be amazing! could you send me your new email in dm's? (btw I have NOT worked on it sadly the past month bc school has been a lot)


@graywolken omg I literally disappeared from here for a bit sorry lol, but I'd love to beta read!


I haven't been on here in so long...but I'm back! The first part of Chapter 5 is scheduled to be posted next Wednesday at noon!
          I can't believe it's been 4 years already since I started this whole thing. I'm literally starting college in a few weeks, and so much has changed in my life since  the time I started writing Trapped. The plot has also changed, but that's for me to know (figure out) and you to find out (along with me, just maybe a few weeks later than I do).
          Also, it looks like I can keep to my posting schedule from last year, because I picked my classes in a way that I have a completely free day on Wednesday for now. Because of that, I've scheduled Chapter 5, Part 1 to be updated at noon instead of between 3 and 4 pm (Pacific). We'll see as time goes how well this works.


@ButterflyDharsh i'm super happy for you! it's funny how fast life flies by, truly


So I updated Trapped yesterday but forgot to send out an announcement lol
          Also I only found out yesterday that you can schedule updates, and I'm not sure how long this has been possible but it helps a lot since I have the rest of Chapter 4 written already! I'm trying to stick to the biweekly updates, so I'll have a couple weeks until I really need to have the next part done but that's a worst case scenario, which basically just means I have time to write the first few parts of Chapter 5 while the rest of what I already have written comes out on schedule.


If you just got a notification that I updated, I didn't lol I just fixed an error I found. That being said, I finally finished writing Part 4 of Chapter 4 after not making any progress for the longest time. It's quite a bit longer than most other parts, but the next and hopefully final part of the chapter is going to be pretty short. I'll try to get back to updating either this week or the next, and we should hopefully be able to keep rolling soon.


I should have the next part of Trapped up in the first week of April! I’ve been really busy with my 3 AP classes and working on the theater musical, so I haven’t had time to write. Once I do, I’ll try to get ahead before updating so I can stick to my schedule!


So I finally updated Trapped...after more than 3 months. I can say one thing: I'm glad my creative writing class is done. It was my favorite class, but had the most work near the end of the term, because I procrastinate but I also like to write long stories (even if they're considered short stories) and therefore I was left with a lot of work to do in very little time. I'm in my harder classes this term, but some of them should actually be easy (which doesn't make sense the way I've explained it but they're advanced classes that are easy as classes themselves). I'm also on the costume crew for my school's theater musical this spring, which means starting in a few weeks I'll be really busy. I might have time to write here and there, but I'll definitely be spending a majority of my time doing homework. That all being said, I'll try to update Trapped at least twice a month, with updates every other Wednesday at whatever time I finish or end up remembering to update.


A bit of a late post but I have updated the last part for Chapter 3! It came out on schedule this Wednesday, and I'm working on the starting of Chapter 4...I'm not sure if it will be done by the next week though. I'm also really busy for the rest of this month, and on top of that I'm falling behind on work for my creative writing class, so there is a high chance I might just not update Trapped this month.


Hi! There’s no update today since I haven’t finished the part that was supposed to come out today yet. Last week was really busy for me and I finally have a little more free time, but I’ll try to write when I can. I’ve finally moved forward a bit though! I’m guessing I’ll finish this last part for the chapter by the end of this week, and hopefully start the next one next week. I might update next week, or I might end up pushing it until the start of October.