
So, does anybody know how to complain that I can't read about half of the screen when I'm reading on the mobile app? Because it's really bothering me and I can't make it go away. So any advice would be appreciated.




@Tophie_Star Nothing. I was only wondering at the name:-)


@Tophie_Star Can I ask what you wanted?


Ok. So because I'm bored and all that, please DM me with books you think I might like to read. Also, if you want to know more about me just ask and I'll put it in my bio. Also, I will not put my name, age, or where I live up there. Got it? Good. So ask away my dear followers. I wish to know your minds.


Yeah.... I was being optimistic when I wrote that message. VERY optimistic. I had no time to write and I ended up sleeping in a bed with bedbugs. yuck. I'll try to update but as I said in the book, I am no good at writing on the spot. off to get some sleep...... Bye.........