
Also just quickly wanted to say something else: If anyone has any feedback at all on any of the stories you read from me, message me it! Even if it's negative, I'd love to hear your opinions on my work. Whether it's to say you really enjoyed a part of one of my stories, or to say you hate one of my characters, never be afraid to message me. My ears are always open to you all!


Also just quickly wanted to say something else: If anyone has any feedback at all on any of the stories you read from me, message me it! Even if it's negative, I'd love to hear your opinions on my work. Whether it's to say you really enjoyed a part of one of my stories, or to say you hate one of my characters, never be afraid to message me. My ears are always open to you all!


To make a quick announcement: I recently received a message asking if I could help them come up with story ideas. Simple answer: Yes, I'm always happy to help! If anyone reading this ever has any questions for me or wants help with writing, I'd be happy to help in any way I can.


Sorry to anyone who has been waiting for chapter 4, it has been delayed due to the fact that when I was cleaning my computer, I accidentally deleted the document I had it in. Sorry again for this delay, but I with have to start over on it. Thanks for being patient, and I hope to make it up to you guys somehow!


The introduction and first 3 chapters of my story have been amazing to write! I'm currently working on chapter 4, and can't wait to see what people think when it's finished! I'm thankful for the support I've received so far, and I wouldn't be able to be doing this without you guys backing me up. I never thought my writing was all that good, but thanks to the fantastic responses from my fans, I have began to see that I don't write just for the fun of it. Even though it is fun, I have started writing for the sole purpose of entertaining others, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks again, and stay awesome.
          ~ Chloe Adams


Hey I just thought you might enjoy this story and she has other ones that are good too 


@KookieJ0123 their stories are so HOT!!!! they won't disappoint 