
          So, thanks for reading my book. I would love to hear if you had any other ideas or what you think of the recent chapters. I would just like to know whether your Hayleo fanfiction is coming soon. No pressure or anything. I love your stories and have re read them 3 times almost!
          Thanks xx


            You're welcome. It's a great book and I can't wait to read more. Just one thing, I would appreciate it if you didn't use the same concept I had like in your chapter 'A Beautiful Night'. 
            The scene with Brooke, Alex and Hayley was one that I wrote in 'Pretty & Beautiful', and I don't like that you wrote it into your story without asking permission first and foremost. 
            I don't mean to be rude but I worked hard to write it and as a writer, I'm sure it is frustrating when someone else uses your work.
            As for my own book, I have a few more chapters to write, some with Hayleo in them, before getting to the one-shot you suggested. It might take more than a month as I'm in the middle of my second semester in college and as much as I would love to write all day, I have to prioritise. 
            Thank you for being patient and I'm so happy that you love my story so much to read it 3 times.
            Hope to read more of your stories.


Hey I’m sorry if I’m being annoying or  bothering. It’s just that I really love your Descendants stories both on here and FanFiction.Net and I was just curious about if you were ever planning on continuing with them because I really want to know what happens next in your story How It Changes Everything since you left it off on a cliff hanger and I really want to know what happens next. 


            Hi. Thank you so much for reading my stories and I'm glad you like them. I do however regret to inform you that currently, it is not very likely for me to continue them as I wrote them quite a while ago and have forgotten a huge chunk of what I wanted to write. I may continue one day in the future, but not right now.
            Thank you for reading and I am truly sorry.


I also really want to know what happens next in Descendants, The Next Chapter because both of those stories are really good  and they both ended on cliff hangers. Again sorry if I’m being annoying I just really love those stories and I am kinda sad that you just stopped writing them because they were really good. 