
English version of "Amour lunaire" published!


So tonight I watched "Ma vie de Courgette", which is a movie about a little boy who lost both his parents and has to go to an orphanage. It was really beautiful in its own way, it inspired me and I just had to write down what I imagined. Hence the text that I published. It's in French, and I'll be making another English version of it, because I just love English too much haha. 
          Be safe!


Since you were kind enough to follow:
          Je m'appelle Sarah, et j'ecrire Science Fiction, Fantasy, et Horror. J'ecrire Ruby et Web development.
          Mon vocabulaire est petite, desole! Comment ca va?


@SarahWeaver6 Thanks for following me too!
            Salut, je m'appelle Laurine. J'écris beaucoup de fantaisie (fantasy). Je ne publie pas encore mes livres.
            Je vais très bien, merci, et toi? Ne t'inquiète pas pour le vocabulaire, tu ne peux que t'améliorer :D