
this message may be offensive
i need people that agree that hating on ByeByeNiv is not the solution. as a niv stan, i personally don't write shit like "you're such a clown" or "you're stupid". it is NOT pacific, nor peaceful. if ALL of y'all soggy fuckers, haters and fans, keep this fight up nobody's winning, everyone is going in circles.


i've been commenting this everywhere basically and i guess it's working, even niv agrees with me, it died down a little too :D there's no problem, you didn't sound rude at all!


@Nanako_Midori I agree with you on this. I understand that many people want to support Niv but I feel like the way that they are handling it isn’t a good way to solve the issue. It is kinda sad seeing the fans talk to ByeByeNiv like this. Although I’m not entirely sure whether to believe her story but nobody should be receiving that much hate like that. Currently, some of the hate comments have died down a little but it is still kind of concerning since the comments have already been said. Most of them are being reasonable for now and I truly appreciate them for handling the situation well. I want to thank you for trying to reason with the fans and I’m sorry that there were too many comments drowning over yours. If I may sound rude, I apologize, I really don’t mean any harm.


but i am on Niv's side, as I kinda think ByeByeNiv's story sounds a liiiitttlle fake, but even though i have strong opinions against the haters, I don't show them off as insults. learn to speak.