I'm a big fan of Ynw melly 
I'm 17
My favorite song by YNW Melly is Medium Fries
I love Jambalaya
I'm mainly Black and White but my dad is Puerto Rican
Don't message asking why I say nigga if you can read I said I'm black
  • home
  • InscritDecember 1, 2020

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Byehoetf Byehoetf Aug 08, 2022 04:54PM
If you discontinue a book and don't unpublished it, you're ass. Like don't go making new books and just leave that up bc it's annoying to read a book and once you get to the last chapter it be like "...
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All about me par Byehoetf
All about me
I just made this because im bored and its 1:11 am. Letz Get TOO IT
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