
Reading your old work is just a whole lot of wincing at your mistakes. It's little things like using the wrong there and your, or maybe repetitiveness. I'm going through my most successful book and I am so confused
          	Why do ppl read this crap??


@Byron_Writes cause its human to make mistakes and reflect. Plus they are interesting.a lot more personal I guess.‍♂️


Reading your old work is just a whole lot of wincing at your mistakes. It's little things like using the wrong there and your, or maybe repetitiveness. I'm going through my most successful book and I am so confused
          Why do ppl read this crap??


@Byron_Writes cause its human to make mistakes and reflect. Plus they are interesting.a lot more personal I guess.‍♂️


Hey guys! I have a question for all of you! It is super short, so please respond. 
          What do you want to see me write as a return to Wattpad?
          -Continue/revamp a story I've already written
          -Write a new fanfiction (novel or short story compilation, specify)
          -Write an original (novel or short story compilation, specify)
          -Something else? Send me an idea! I love writing from prompts!
          Leave a comment on this conversation and let me know what you think!


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
          Quick few things; 
          One- Sorry for the absence
          Two- holy shit updates galore
          Three- coming back to people screaming only positive things on your bad writing is confusing as hell
          Four- I don't wanna give you a wall of text, so comment on this announcement (if you care) any questions you have for me about anything revolving around my absence or one of my stories, ask away.


@songlover346 HAY! I'm glad your back. I have missed your writing and it is NOT bad, it's GREAT! stop putting yourself down and lying, you know your great. I can't wait to read more from you. It is ridiculously late when I'm typing this so goodnight can't wait to read more.


Hey there folks! Guess what's coming up in the next few days? That's right! I will be posting the first few chapters of the revamp of my Spiderman fanfiction; A Spiders New Life. I apologize for the wait, as I have had some major wrighters block. However, its only a few days out! I promise that I will post however many chapters I have ready on Tuesday July 17th. That date is set! Feel free to chat away with eachother on my conversations board, or to text me in a direct message. As cheesy as it will sound, I want to promote a positive and supportive platform on my page for everyone to feel comfortable and welcome. I can't wait to see what everybody has to say! See ya, my fellow book worms and fandom lovers!


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
HEY! VERY IMPORTANT!! I just recently managed to get my email verified-and by that I mean a friends email on my account. Thx fam- so I can now send texts and reply to things on here. Please let me know if you have any feedback, want feedback on a story, need someone to talk to, or just wanna chat! I can finally stop putting shit like this in my books and giving you false hope of a new update. 


I cant wait for the next chapter and being busy is an excuse. I'm a fan, definitely.


@songlover346 hey! Dont worry lulu. I am planing to update. I have just been incredibly buisy. Its no excuse tho. I promise to update soon. I am still far from used to having people acctualy like what i wright. My parents call you guys fans. Hardly true i suppose. Thankyou for all of the support. I appreciate it more than you know.