I’m so into steven universe rn it’s actually a bit worrying


@in_herdiary yk what that’s so real bc I’ve heard about it for so long but could never get into it so this is my first time watching it


@C-CHL0EINNIT ♡. is this a bad time to admit I haven't watched it...


rant !! (also probably tmi)
          I have such a love hate feeling for my sister. I genuinely care about her a lot and I want to have a good relationship with her but she takes every chance she can get to belittle me and she never shows that she cares about me. I always defend her and when she was stressed about college I got something for her that I know she likes and she was happy, of course, but she didn’t even want to hug me. I asked her to borrow her printer one time and had to actually beg her to use it because I needed to print out a drawing for my friend as part of her birthday gift. I didn’t know how to use it and when I asked her for help she told me that I already had my chance and she won’t help me. I’m not pissed that she won’t let me use her stuff, I can understand that, but I’m upset at how she isnt even willing to help me like… ever. which just goes to show how she doesn’t care about me. I don’t know what about me is so dislikable. or at least, unworthy of her attention that she doesn’t care about me at all even though I’m her family. this is not to say that I’m the perfect sister, but I show her that I care about her and she never does that to me. my ass relationship with my sister is probably the reason why 3/4ths of my ocs have siblings they’re super close with. anyways, thanks for listening to my ted talk !!