
Preview for Chapter 11 -
          	~45 minutes earlier~
          	Heli had just arrived at a little hill in Tealix park next to an apple tree. She then put down a picnic blanket and started placing down some food and drinks. After a few minutes of preparation Heli flew up to see if the person she is waiting on has arrived. In a few seconds, she spotted Captian walking toward the entrance of the park. Heli flew a little higher and started waving her arms to get his attention. He spotted her and began to jog in her direction.


Preview for Chapter 11 -
          ~45 minutes earlier~
          Heli had just arrived at a little hill in Tealix park next to an apple tree. She then put down a picnic blanket and started placing down some food and drinks. After a few minutes of preparation Heli flew up to see if the person she is waiting on has arrived. In a few seconds, she spotted Captian walking toward the entrance of the park. Heli flew a little higher and started waving her arms to get his attention. He spotted her and began to jog in her direction.


Hey, this is a preview of a BillDip fanfic I have thought of :
                It had happened again. The dream that plagued him throughout the years played in his mind. The dream was of what seemed to be a man sitting and waiting for someone. Then the other person comes and greets them with a hug. They appear to chat for a while until the dream ends. Dipper has had that same dream ever since he was 4. At first, the dream was very muddy and it was hard to tell what was happening, but as he got older, the dream became clearer. It was the one mystery he couldn't solve. He had put years of research into finding the cause. He would spend nights theorizing, but he only ran into dead ends and more questions.


Work in progress:
                Tonight was a peaceful night, the stars were out, and the moon glowed in the distance. It was a quiet night, well until...
          "CUBE WHY IN PARADISE IS HE HERE!!" yelled Heli.
          "Heli, I can explain!" Cube pleaded.
          Heli stomped over to Blixer and grabbed him by the collar.
          "YOU! So help me if you are controlling Cube! I WILL END YOU!" she yelled as she pulled out a small kitchen knife from her pocket.


Hey guys it is C-pony here and I wanted to get your guy's opinion on what I should do.  I have two new fanfic ideas I would like to do. One is a Splatoon fanfic with a relationship between an inkling and octoling, and the second idea is an Among Us fanfic between Lime and White. I want you guys to put your choice under this comment and I will give it a week or so it make my decision.
          So put down:
          - Splatoon
          - Among Us
          - Or you don't want me to do ether and keep focusing on Pink isn't so Bad


Oh by the way I am working on chapter 9 now since I am out of school. I may post a teaser if I can.


Teaser for PISB
                    As the sun began to rise it filled the room with its warm but pleasant rays. The shape in the room was still asleep with drool coming from the side of their mouth. But the smell of pancakes fills the air and the shape gets up and follows the aroma to its source, the kitchen.