Soooo… good news and bad news. Good news, I want to get back into writing more again. Bad news, I started up an anime and I now have been hyper fixating on it for the past week and I have another fanfic idea. Whoops. So, I’ll start working on that because I want to and I can. I’ll work on the Loki book idea another time and update Friends with the Spider when I feel like editing because I have that all typed out and ready to go for the editing faze. Last but not least… Elemental. I am very VERY sorry for not editing that or posting, for that book I just typed and published each chapter so I don’t have anything to edit and I have to write it from scratch so it takes longer. I’ll work on everything due time. But sorry not sorry I will be posting a new MHA fanfic for the time being until I either lose interest, or hate where it’s going. Love y’all! Have a good night!