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The Prologue for the rewritten version of Extreme Heights is out now! I will hope to keep a schedule and post a new chapter at least once a week. Another chapter should be in by next Saturday! Keep in tune! Stay safe! - Karma <3


Hello! My hiatus is over! My was it a long one! After some careful thinking and then rethinking, Extreme Heights will undergo a rewrite with improved plans, plots, and consistency with characters. The prologue will be out soon. Once it does, the old story will remain as a comparison and a potential rough draft to fall back on. Plus for it to remain as entertainment for the readers. I wish you all safety and a happy day! Feel free to review chapters or even ask questions!


Alright! So I may be late in posting this but! Due to my now extremely busy schedule with school and all, Extreme Heights will be going on Hiatus! This is to give a chance to think out the plot a bit more, do some edits, and possibly get a schedule going for the chapters. However! If you guys really enjoy the story and want some knowledge on how it was created and more knowledge on me as an author, you guys are free to ask questions, make assumptions, and even add suggestions to the plot of the story. If all this goes well, I will be making a Q&A book along with possible character creations for the world of Extreme Heights to those who want to see OCs involved with the book. Questions can be posted in the comments below this or at the email extremeheightsnovel@gmail.com. Thanks for the support and I wish you all a great evening/day!!!! <3


Morning/Evening guys! I want to announce that Project Positivity’s hiring book is now up!! With positions still open, the community is looking for members. If you are wishing to be apart of this lovely project then please check out the book! Rules, applications, and information is all there. Thanks for the support and stay positive! 


Don’t mind the updates to the story. They are just title fixes. I’ve noticed that the POV switches are getting confusing so I put the names of the POVs into the chapter title. I hope that it clears up the confusion! 


Hey guys! A new community was just created with the goal to spread positivity and awareness to those effected by all of the negative events that have happened recently. Founded by @MarissaCrockett, Project Positivity hopes to help those who are down in the dumps or hopeless during this time of negativity. We are open to help anyone who needs it and are accepting members at the moment. Projects like writing prompts and stories are in the idea book and members are always willing to listen to your plight. Please come check us out! Stay safe and have a great day/night!


Hey guys! So I just wanted to let you know that there is now a character log to my book! I have made my story intentionally confusing and jumpy at the beginning so I began to think “what if I created an area for readers to keep track of the characters, lore, and creatures?”. Annnnd that’s what I did! Big shocker, I know (sarcasm). Anyways! This will be a place to ask questions and speculate about where the story will head! It will also be a place for Q&A’s if I get enough requests to do so by readers and followers alike. But, you need to be caught up with the story before you can read this for it will contain spoilers. This will update slower than the novel so that will hopefully give you enough time to catch up. That’s all for now folks!