Sometimes i just get tired of the powerful, invincible female leads and wish for a feminine, soft character who shares love like it’s breathing. I feel like some of the characters, like for example Harry Potter or smth, just deserve those kinds of female leads. Just me? Or. 


Hi guys! How have your holidays been? I took this time to read all the books I’ve purchased and haven’t had time to read yet. 
          So far, I’ve just finished ‘The Inheritance Games’ and am starting ‘The Invisible Life of Addie Larue’! TIG is genuinely so good, and I was so shocked by all the revelations because not one single of my theories were nearly as close as the truth T-T 
          Wbu guys??


@ethirealclouds ohhhh alright! Thanks for the suggestion! Have a lovely holiday :D


@C1RCE3 OH MY DAYS that first book had me giggling bc I was like "girl you've been in this house for one day and already BOTH brothers love you" and all of the plot twists were so good! A suggestion for you, since you've read TIG, is to read The Naturals by the same author. Same vibe, but the mysteries are more deduction-based instead of just figuring out puzzles inside a not-so-crusty mansion