I just found out that only 3 or so years have passed canonically from Splatoon 2 to Splatoon 3, so I guess I have to edit some things in my fanfic. But this is perfect for my plans for the story! I’ll edit the story a bit, so please note the ages of the Agents have changed, and I’ll tell you them here:
          	3: Still 14
          	4: 15
          	8: 19
          	Captain: 19
          	Ok now see ya!


@Arkantos5528 Yes, that says that it was released 5 years after Splatoon 2, it doesn’t mean that that’s the canonical time tho, it’s confusing, and I only just found out about this, I think people have just assumed it’s in real time, instead of what its said to be, and most of the internet thinks the canonical time is 5 years, where they mean it was released 5 years after Splatoon 2 was released. I know it’s very confusing, and I’m still trying to figure it out, forgive me if my explanation is confusing


@C3LEPHOG1RL ok, just checked and it confirms that Splatoon 3 occurs 5 years after Splatoon 2 and 7 years after Splatoon on the official timeline 


@Arkantos5528 Oh wait I just realised something else (I’m having alooot of big brain moments) You may have misunderstood what I meant, Splatoon 3 is canonically 3 or so years after Splatoon 2’s RELEASE, and 1 or so years after the final feat. I heard this from multiple people, and they say that there was a post from Nintendo about this.


I just found out that only 3 or so years have passed canonically from Splatoon 2 to Splatoon 3, so I guess I have to edit some things in my fanfic. But this is perfect for my plans for the story! I’ll edit the story a bit, so please note the ages of the Agents have changed, and I’ll tell you them here:
          3: Still 14
          4: 15
          8: 19
          Captain: 19
          Ok now see ya!


@Arkantos5528 Yes, that says that it was released 5 years after Splatoon 2, it doesn’t mean that that’s the canonical time tho, it’s confusing, and I only just found out about this, I think people have just assumed it’s in real time, instead of what its said to be, and most of the internet thinks the canonical time is 5 years, where they mean it was released 5 years after Splatoon 2 was released. I know it’s very confusing, and I’m still trying to figure it out, forgive me if my explanation is confusing


@C3LEPHOG1RL ok, just checked and it confirms that Splatoon 3 occurs 5 years after Splatoon 2 and 7 years after Splatoon on the official timeline 


@Arkantos5528 Oh wait I just realised something else (I’m having alooot of big brain moments) You may have misunderstood what I meant, Splatoon 3 is canonically 3 or so years after Splatoon 2’s RELEASE, and 1 or so years after the final feat. I heard this from multiple people, and they say that there was a post from Nintendo about this.




@Trout1 It’ll be a Octoling cuz that’s my species in Splatoon 2 and 3. It’ll most likely be a mixture of my Splatoon 2 and 3 outfits as well!


@C3LEPHOG1RL Oh I just remembered something is your new pfp an inkling or octoling


Sadly, Wattpad private messages have now been deleted, I’ve noticed many people recently have posted to show their frustration to this. I am also unhappy about this decision, but I will have to live with this decision, and even if this is going to be annoying with how I cannot have a private conversation with any writers, readers, or friends I may have a conversation with, I will try to look for a alternative way to privately message people. Until then, please stay for any updates.
          Thank you all for your patience, and stay safe!


@Yeah no need to worry, just annoying how I can’t use discord to privately talk… I guess I could try making a book to privately chat?


ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! I’m so happy! ^w^


@C3LEPHOG1RL Really then happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Luna, happy birthday to you


I found out Wattpad is deleting the Private messages feature, I am unsure of their reasons for this, but I know that it is SUPER useful to me, as I can chat with other writers, to share ideas or ask for help, or even role-play!
          I believe that I benefit from Private messages, and if you believe that you do as well, I found someone who started a petition to Wattpad to keep Private messages. Here’s the link: https://www.change.org/p/preserve-private-messaging-feature-on-wattpad
          Anyway, now that I’m here… I am currently working on the A life of chaos fanfic, and if you didn’t know, I finished the Side order theories, as Side order has released awhile ago. 
          See you all later!


@C3LEPHOG1RL Ok thanks for understanding


@Trout1 Nvm it’s back, but dw it’s ok


@Trout1 That’s ok! I THINK they may have cancelled doing it, I only THINK this because when I go into the private messages, the thing above it that says Private messages will be deleted is gone. Ofc, this is only a suspicion, and I have no idea if they are or are not going to delete it.


Hi everyone! I have started a pool room in Splatoon 3 so if any of you wanna play with me, you can go ahead and join the pool!
          The pool name is LUNASCLUB
          Ok, see ya all later!


@Trout1 Yeah I think so, tell me when your in! Also I’m now on!


@C3LEPHOG1RL I believe we're in different timezones I'm EST or EDT


@Trout1 Oh, sorry you got booted, but it’ll be fun to play with you! Btw I’m on right now


Oh my god the new side order overview trailer is AMAZING!!! I didn’t think I could get more excited about this but I just did! 
          I noticed the return of all kinds of stuff from previous games is back as well, such as Octowhirl!
           I can already tell it’s gonna be very fun playing the DLC!