
Looks like Wattpad finally got to me and took my work down. This is the end of it for me. Thank you to everyone who stuck around, I wish you all well!


I absolutely would, if I had the stories. I didn't expect them to be taken down so I wasn't smart enough to save them in a google docs or anything. If I had them I would have reuploaded them in a heartbeat, but they are very much gone from this planet, erased never to be read again, all thanks to Wattpad.


@C3rtifiedM0nster Plz share your stories on another platform at least. There might be questionable, but still  nonetheless


Curse you Wattpad. I wanted a part two of the diaper punishment. Anyways thank you author i wish you well also stay safe and enjoy life as it is.❤️❤️❤️


Looks like Wattpad finally got to me and took my work down. This is the end of it for me. Thank you to everyone who stuck around, I wish you all well!


I absolutely would, if I had the stories. I didn't expect them to be taken down so I wasn't smart enough to save them in a google docs or anything. If I had them I would have reuploaded them in a heartbeat, but they are very much gone from this planet, erased never to be read again, all thanks to Wattpad.


@C3rtifiedM0nster Plz share your stories on another platform at least. There might be questionable, but still  nonetheless


Curse you Wattpad. I wanted a part two of the diaper punishment. Anyways thank you author i wish you well also stay safe and enjoy life as it is.❤️❤️❤️


You write good smut, my dude. Morally questionable, yes, but good nonetheless. Any advice for people looking to write stuff like this?


@AzekhArhiman Thank you, thank you so much.


Hype yourself up while writing, and don't let the self doubt get to you.


@AzekhArhiman I'm going to be completely honest with you, as long as you have a decent understanding of how the human body works in sexual interactions and you have a mind to supply you with ideas, you're already good to go. I take inspiration from reading other people's work and use put my own words to it a lot. And the best thing you can ever do for yourself is reading it through once done, you can always find a sentence or two you can re-word so it sounds better before settling on the finished draft.