Happy (a day late as it might be) Pride Month!!
No idea what to say, but for the fact that if yall even need anyone to talk to (is it weird that we barely know each other?) I can listen to you if you ever need it.
-nerdy asexual
To the people that read my stories, do you actually enjoy them?? Answer honestly because while I have chapters currently being written, I don’t know if people will actually continue to read them anymore.
-the mind of a self conscious writer, busy writing chapters.
Ur very much welcome. I think we do kinda share a resemblance bc i did go through depression and u didn't but i did cut for a bit, but then I had 2 friends that brought be back to reality. So I am happy that I don't cut anymore, and I'll be happy to see if u didn't go what I went through bc that would suck. Like literally.