Ready for part three

Shade was impressed when Ari gave her a piggyback ride.When they got their food and sat down at a table, Ari saw white and purple making out. But before Ari could say anything Shade said thanks for the ride hun. You’re pretty strong and kissed her on the cheek. Ari blushed and said no problem. Shade gave white and purple a disappointed look and they stopped and ate their breakfast. Shade and Ari were in a positive mood, but when Shade saw Commander Black, she tried getting up but Ari say on her lap. You can get your shot at him soon but not right now. You will be voted out in a instant. Calm down hun. Shade blushed on embarrassment and said yeah your right. Ari felt so comfortable that she fell asleep right in Shade’s lap.Shade picked Ari up and put Ari on a bed in Medbay. When Shade was about to walk out she realized that Ari was clinging onto her arm. Shade snuggled up with Ari, kissed her cheek and fell asleep. When Shade woke up Ari was still asleep. So Shade picked up Ari and put her on their bed. Ari woke up a couple hours later. Your finally awake Shade said. Wanna watch a movie Ari asked. Sure. And Ari put on another horror movie. Shade normally wouldn’t watch horror movies because she gets scared pretty easily but she has Ari with her so she felt safe. After that movie Shade felt kinda scared but again Ari was there. So Shade hugs Ari snd falls asleep. Ari wakes up and she cant move. Bae let me go. But I’m scared. Well I’m here for you so if you need help, I will be right here. Ok I love you Ari. I love you too Shade. Lets go they are waiting. Ari forget them. I wanna stay here with you. But Shade We go- Ari is interrupted with a kiss. Come back in bed Ari. ARI AND SHADE OUT OF THE ROOM NOW! Shouts Commander Black. No maybe later. Shade grabs Ari and puts her back in bed with her. Ari allows this to happen and gets back in bed.