
Y’all I’m only halfway through my first week of summer holidays and am already on s7 ep9
          	I have nothing better to do with my life lol


I love acronix! Is so goofy and cute playing candy crush or something on the tablet! 
          He a hapi boi
          (Why’d them make him hot as well XD)
          Fangirl session over for now lol


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Right, two characters I fucking love are Zane and arin,
          Arin 100% has dyspraxia (which if u don’t know is a coordination issue that causes lots of clumsyness)
          And I have it! When I first saw his, I could relate to him so much, the constant punching your self in the face, running into door frames, tripping over nothing, ya know!!!!
          And Zane! Zane is the best representation of high functioning autism in children’s media and lots of adult media as well! (Basically high functioning autism basically causes a struggle to understand social cues and an emotional shut down with too much stimulation. Ie: lots of overlapping noises, large crowds, lots of bright lights, etc) 
          I hate telling people I’m on the autism spectrum cus I’m scared that they’ll treat me differently, but I just need like a calm period at the end of the day so I don’t have a mental breakdown from the stimulation of the day lol, but it has given me lots of creative talents like art and writing! 
          Thank you lady’s and gents (sue me) for listening to my lil rant for today! Have a nice day/night!


@CAAATTtttttt Same with me and writing I love writing 


@DumbassWriter17 me too sometimes, but I wouldn’t probably have been as talented or gotten into art at all with out it lol


          Is it bad that I ship jordana X sora…
          Cus like I feel like if sora knew who she was, and she was on their side, ya know, 


Let’s be honest, the only good thing crystallized gave us was oni Lloyd and the fandom has executed it better that the writers ever did


@CAAATTtttttt I really liked the emotional trauma they had Lloyd also focus on too. That and the Oni Lloyd are the only good things they gave us


so true, i just hope they don’t throw that whole “oni plot” away just because  they technically have a new series. 


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Random shit: 
          S5 wasn’t about just Lloyd or just Nya or just kai, but whether the writers intended or not, it was a rgb sibling season!


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Right, parents raise their other children till the age of about 6 or 7, then we take over. The older siblings is the new parent. We teaching them all the swears in the book (apart from the racial slurs), the weak points of the human body, how to stay out off trouble, how to kick someone’s ass if needed, and lots of life lessons, 
          How do we know these things? It’s all stuff we fucked up earlier in life


@CAAATTtttttt Ya I wish I never learned him swears


@DumbassWriter17 obviously (ima have a talk with him as soon as he learns any)


Except racial slurs


I’m so tiered of all these things like 
          “Boys raised by their mums”
          “And girls raised by there dads”
          According to this I should be a pretty princess!
          Nah, I was raised by my mum, we both be badasses, 
          And that thing where “boys who have older sisters are nice and soft boys” and “girls who have older brothers are strong”
          Nah, I do rock climbing and am great at construction, and as for me and my little bro, we are partners in crime >:3


@CAAATTtttttt True I am in my teens and I am raising myself now


Y’all I found a new analog horror series!!!! 
          My current fave is still vita carnis but this one is called woodlands national park! Both can be found on yt!!!


What was your guys intro to ninjago, like how did you first find out?
          For me I watched the movie first and thought it was the end of it. Then about two years later a saw my little brother watching it (2020 ish, just before lockdown) then after lockdown I really started to get into it (2022), I watched s11-s15 (cus crystalised wasn’t out yet) and then I found out about s1-10 and those are my fave seasons now!


@AlyssaKitty4  I’m a huge Lego fan aswell lol


@SufferinfRat I always kinda knew it existed, then my brother started watching it during the lockdown. 
            I just kinda conveniently sat in the same room. Yeahhh. He started in season 11, and we got to season 13 before I insisted that we go and watch  it in the proper order.
            This was late 2021