
Hi There ❤
          	Chapter 3 of The Agreement has been uploaded. 
          	Thank you once again for all the support, I appreciate it.
          	Lots of love and happy reading ❤


Hi again ❤
          Please see below the update schedules for each of my stories:
          The Agreement will be updated every second Wednesday and the dates for the month ahead are as follows:
          Sloane will be updated every second Monday and the dates for the month ahead are as follows:
          - 25/10/2021
          The reason I have spaced the updates out like this is so that I don't put too much pressure on myself. It also gives me time to actually write and work on other projects that I have and life of course.
          I hope you guys have a great day and happy reading fellow Wattpaders.
          Lots of love ❤


Hi All,
          I hope you are all well 
          So I have just published 'Sloane' as can be seen on my profile. I have had this story in my mind for a long time and I'm really excited to finally be working on it and sharing it with you all.
          I will be posting my stories as follows:
          -The Agreement - a new chapter will be updated every second Wednesday. 
          -Sloane - a new chapter will be updated every second Monday.
          I will of course update earlier if I have something, but to give myself time to get my stuff done and write, I have given myself a deadline.
          I hope you all have a great week and hope you will give my stories a chance by checking them out.
          Lots of Love ❤ 


Hi All ❤
          I will be reintroducing Terms and Conditions as The Agreement on my profile.
          I thought long and hard about it, and will be making some changes.
          I have struggled in the past to move on from the last chapter written as I unsure of how I wanted to move forward. 
          I will be working on this revamped version in the week and will start posting chapters as soon as possible. 
          I appreciate all the support and patience I received while writing on @bubblybibliophile and I'm sorry that you all had to wait.
          I hope you will be willing to take the chance on me and The Agreement a second time.
          Thank you ❤


So the reason why I went under a different name in my profile @Rowaelin96, is because of the things I wrote in Life is a Bitch. It's very personal to me and I was not sure that I wanted to share my story. I was still ashamed of all that had happened and was trying to work through it all.
          I am no longer ashamed. Nothing that happened to me was my fault, I did not handle it well, but I know now, that, that was the only way my younger self could deal with it all.
          I do not blame young me. There are of course days where I think what if, maybe thing's could have been different if I had done some things differently. 
          But it happened, I cannot change the past, all I can do is, heal and live my life to the fullest. 
          I love my younger self, she was strong and I'm proud of her. She made me the woman I am today and I love me.