Hi everyone! First of all I just wanna say a huge thank you for all the sweet messages on this board. I've been super busy this past year with my self-publishing journey and haven't had time to be on Wattpad much at all, but sitting down and reading them now has made me smile so much! ❤️
          	Speaking of my self-publishing journey, I've made the difficult decision to only leave up previews of my YA works on Wattpad as I begin to publish them. I talk about this a bit more in my most recent YouTube video, which I'll link below. 
          	I know some may find this upsetting, and I completely understand, but in the end I felt this was the right decision moving forward in my author career. I won't be taking everything down all at once, just going along as I publish them, so you'll still have time to catch any stories you missed or re-read any favorites if you're not looking to purchase the updated, edited versions in the future. Either way, your support has meant so much and I sincerely thank you for ever giving them a chance! ❤️
          	How to Save Your School from Soul-Stealing Demons will be published this summer, and Opposite Day is now a free eBook you can get by signing up for my email newsletter! I will link that below as well, and you can also find it on my profile. By signing up you'll be the first to hear about my release dates, cover reveals, and more. I'd love to have you as part of the community!
          	Again, being on Wattpad all these years (over ten years total!) has been a blast, and I wouldn't feel confident enough to self-publish without all your lovely comments and support since I made this account. I can only hope you're as excited as I am for this next step in my journey, and I cannot wait to have physical copies available for all my works! Some of you have asked over the years and it's finally, finally coming true :')
          	THANK YOU and talk soon,
          	- Caitlin


@CAITLlN congratulations! I love your videos!! They helped me a lot! :))


@CAITLlN  i watch all your videos, honestly i had difficulties focusing on what you were saying. maybe you had never been told these but your facial expression and way of speaking are so entertaining, very funny and purely interesting . this attracted my curiosity on your world so here am i starting a novel of yours. thanks


@CAITLlN Can you make book trailers on Canva or any other website for your YouTube channel?


Hi Caitlin,
          I just wanted to let you know that I've been watching your wattpad videos for years and back in 2022, i followed your advice on a story i was writing and it just hit 300k reads!
          So, i just wanted to say thank you for making those videos. they've helped me on my wattpad journey so much <3


Hello Mis Caitlin , 
          Myself kai .. first of all happy new year, and talking about myself. I joined the Wattpad to publish my idea . Well i did it .. i post my work yesterday ( i posted 13 chapters together). Well i really don't know much about Wattpad as a writer and and even as a reader. My book's gener is action and adventure.. well in first 13 parts . It's doesn't say too much about my story. Well i don't know where to find perfect audience for my work. My book is still on going , it going to be their for a long run . Well my main point is , ma'am if you are still active on the Wattpad please check out my work. I don't really good friends who read books . I will really love it if a professional writer like you will review it 
          Here the link - 
          Thank you ,


Hey, I was just wondering if you were going to finish writing none like ours on wattpad, or are you still getting them published. I just want to know where I can finish the story. You are an amazing writer, and I can't wait to read the book when you are done with it.