this message may be offensive
I went to a protest with my friends and stayed there for 3 hours and my dad comes along around the second hour with my youngest sister saying he’s only there because he wants to “protect us both.” but will not stand with the protesters because he doesn’t agree with them and so, he stood up with the cops. Fuck you, I don’t need your “protection” there is no NEED for your protection, I am going to be eighteen on June 14th and when that time comes, you’re out of my life. Plus if you don’t want to support the protesters then leave, don’t just come over because you’re bringing all of your negative ass energy to us peaceful protesters and ruining it for some of us. There needs to be a change and I strongly believe that our generation can make that happen, all of us are so powerful and we shouldn’t have to feel like we need to give up, we have to do what’s right. Don’t stay silent, you’re not helping at all if you’re staying silent about the situation. I don’t care if you’re scared of the backlash on it,POC members are afraid of THEIR LIFE. And you’re scared that you’re gonna lose a couple followers or even family members. Do something. Sign the petitions. Post all about it. Go to the protests. Give the resources. Do not just sit around and watch.

@CALPURNlA FACTS. As a black woman, I appreciate this more than you know. I appreciate you joining the protests and doing what you can no matter how big or small. ♡