
Happy New Year, Everyone!
          	Big news for Destiny’s Plan! As I mentioned, I’m rewriting the entire story, and trust me—it’s worth revisiting. So far, only the first 7 chapters are fully revamped (and sooo much better than my 16-year-old self’s version). But don’t worry, I’ve left the whole story up so you can still read ahead if you’d like.
          	Here’s the plan: I’ll update in chunks of 7 chapters over the next few weeks, and the final batch will include a brand-new chapter! 
          	Why start over?
          		•	My writing has seriously leveled up.
          		•	Krissy and Jason’s relationship gets deeper, with new themes and milestones that make this story so much more than a just a glow-up of the one before, it’s honestly a whole new vibe!!
          	So dive back in, rediscover the magic/toxicity ;) and let me know what you think as you revisit Jason and Krissy’s love story. Your comments mean everything to me!
          	Happy reading! 


Happy New Year, Everyone!
          Big news for Destiny’s Plan! As I mentioned, I’m rewriting the entire story, and trust me—it’s worth revisiting. So far, only the first 7 chapters are fully revamped (and sooo much better than my 16-year-old self’s version). But don’t worry, I’ve left the whole story up so you can still read ahead if you’d like.
          Here’s the plan: I’ll update in chunks of 7 chapters over the next few weeks, and the final batch will include a brand-new chapter! 
          Why start over?
          	•	My writing has seriously leveled up.
          	•	Krissy and Jason’s relationship gets deeper, with new themes and milestones that make this story so much more than a just a glow-up of the one before, it’s honestly a whole new vibe!!
          So dive back in, rediscover the magic/toxicity ;) and let me know what you think as you revisit Jason and Krissy’s love story. Your comments mean everything to me!
          Happy reading! 


Hi everyone! Just a quick update from me .
          I know many of you are eagerly waiting for the next chapter of Destiny’s Plan, and it’s coming soon! But before that, I’ve decided to revisit and revise the entire story. I first wrote it when I was much younger, and now, with my 24-year-old perspective, I want to improve the writing and give it a fresh update with more mature and polished themes.
          So, over the next week or so, don’t be alarmed if you receive a bunch of notifications from me—I’ll be republishing all the chapters with these updates. I hope you’ll enjoy falling in love with Jason and Krissy all over again!
          Thank you for your patience and support! ❤️


@CASister0000 I look forward to seeing your new vision! The book is already great as is, so it can only become better  


Question: What would you prefer, a sex scene written in Jason’s pov, or Krissy’s? xx


Jason please  


@extranicetiingz Ooo that’s a thought 


3rd person please


this message may be offensive
          Jason’s POV
          I exhaled sharply fighting the urge to look across at her with eyes of mean accusation, trying to get Krissy out of my head. But that proved a harder task than not looking at her. So, I went to the only thing that could help me, has helped me, when Krissy does her shit that throws my mind off its drink. But even now as I glare into my liquored cup, the woman seated mere feet in front of me consumes every corner of my mind. 
          Krissy loves playing games, but when tonight ends- however tonight ends, I will give her the fucking medal, hail her the winner, and let her in on what I told Dr Jackie this morning, I no longer wanted to play this mindfuck of a game. The game we've been playing for five years, our tit for tat where she hurts me and I hurt her more- oh! but she's seducing me back to it...torturing my was like she knew I was opting out.
          I clench my jaw hard, looking deep into my cup of Hennessey, as my mind replays the image of her emerging through the club towards me...
          I saw her before she saw me, and I had sensed her presence before my eyes even knew she was there. Like a dog, that leash, that line between us tugged on my heart physically turning me away from the conversation I was having with Chad and to the club's entrance, the nerves on my skin erect like some kind of Spidey Sense, in anticipation for something I didn't know yet.
          And then Krissy entered...and my mouth cursed, and my blood rushed hot with the most intense want for the girl that possesses me, angers me, humbles me. Not a single part of my body was soft when my eyes landed on the brown beauty that she was, and my hands spasmed, like physically fucking jolted with greed wanting to need and grope every decadent asset her costume displayed…


Thank you for the glimpse ! Can’t wait for the actual chapter ! 


Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️!
          I hope your day is filled with love of all kind xx
          I know I’m late on the next chapter, I just really want it to read well and it’s kinda, almost there lol. 
          But as it’s VD ❤️ I thought to share a small snippet of Chapter 43 part 2, so you can have a peice of Jason and Krissy’s antics to start your hopefully less dramatic Valentine’s Day…


Hope we get an update soon! Love your book. ❤️


@nantenin12 thank youuuu❤️! I’m still working on it I promise, I just want it to be a good chapter xx


I volunteer to be another motivation! Please put us out of our misery and provide a new chapter 


Thank U ❤️. Idk why I’m finding it a bit difficult to write this chapter, but you have given me the motivation to keep going  xx


SPOILER: Krissy looses her virginity in the next chapter!…well kinda LOL. It’s definitely going to be her first time doing something ;) …
          Anyways, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas❤️! Now the festivities have died down somewhat for me and my family members have left my house, I feel as though I have the privacy to write this steamy next chapter- HA! Just imagining if one of my cousins caught me writing this chapter, AHHHH I would have been in tears from the awkwardness.


@CASister0000 ahhhhhh can't wait for the next chapterr