
Don’t forget to vote if you like my story! ❤️ 


I’ll be honest. I’ve been slacking and have barely been writing for the past couple of months. 
          It’s a little bit of a hard time right now, but last week I’ve taken the time to go back on what I’ve written so far, changing a few things. Editing some parts. (That’s why I can never post chapters as I write them lol) 
          I can’t wait to finish this story, but I think having something to write is good for me, so I think I’ll take my time in this one. 
          Love you all. You are amazing x
          Thank you
          C.B x


@CBWright- dw about it love, make sure to take care of yourself and have fun.  Is everything alright tho? just know i will forever love u and wont forget u. again take care of urself and i love u <333