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So I came out to my mom recently as bisexual and reaction was basically oh your just confused. Now I come from a religious family so I prayed and something told me to put my thoughts on here well here it how do I get my mom to realize I'm bi I mean I'm religious but that doesn't mean I'm straight you know what I mean?
@CC-9823 I am sorry that you are going through this. I hope that they have accepted you by now. I am straight, I think, but it is okay to be bi.
You ok?
Are you rewriting the clone of UA?
@CC-9823 ahhhhhh that story was so good I wish you do rewrite it because it was so good
Heyo! Thanks for the follow!
So I came out to my mom recently as bisexual and reaction was basically oh your just confused. Now I come from a religious family so I prayed and something told me to put my thoughts on here well here it how do I get my mom to realize I'm bi I mean I'm religious but that doesn't mean I'm straight you know what I mean?
@CC-9823 I am sorry that you are going through this. I hope that they have accepted you by now. I am straight, I think, but it is okay to be bi.
Hey guys you know what would be great, if we got rid of carbon
@CC-9823 Well, I mean we kind of need it, but yeah it would be great if we could lower our carbon emissions, so you're on the right track!
Everyone:So Revan what gender are you Revan: Destruction Everyone:No what's in your pants Revan:Power Everyone: *confused crazy fan rant*
*teleports in* My nAmE iS eGgS bEnIdIcT aNd I wOn'T bE wOrKiNg ThE bReAkFaSt ShIfT tHiS jOb HaD nO pReReQuIsItE dOeS tHaT mEaN I sHoUlD'vE bEeN hEsItAnT iNsTeAd oF jUsT aCcEpTiNg It cAuSe i'M dIgGiNg Up A cOuPlE sKeLeToNs wItH aRtIfIcIaL iNtElLiGeNcE i'D bEtTeR qUiT nOw, To HeLl WiTh ThIs NoPe, I cAn'T nOw, tOo lAtE tHiS eLeVaToR's GoInG dOwN tO mY gRaVe UnDeRgRoUnD, lOoK aRoUnD, nOt A sOuNd CaN eScApE fReAkInG oUt I'm HoW mAnY hOuRs AwAy? Ah, FeElS lIkE i'Ve BeEn DoWn HeRe fOr dAyS tHiS fReE pIzZa VoUcHeR cAn WaIt NoT gOnNa Lie, Not pRoUd Of ThE pAy Hey bOsS, hOw AbOuT a rAiSe? A mEcHaNiCaL cLoWn WiTh A pOwErFuL gAzE lOcKeD iN a CoFfIn, BoUnD lIkE a sLaVe CoUnTiN tHe PlAtEs CoMiNg oUt Of HeR fAcE hAs ShE fOuNd AnY wAy To GeT oUt Of HeR cAgE? mAyBe (wHaT) tHeY'rE nOt sO bAd BaBy (YeS), jUsT sToP, rElAx SoRrY tHaT I cAn'T hElP yOu OuT