
I know I am not depressed but I am sad. And I'm lonely. And I think I need to cry but I dont know how.


October 17, 2017
          "I have no goals. I have no ambitions. I know that, you know that we all know that. 
          I am lazy. I never want to do anything. I always want people to do things for me .
          I am ungrateful. I never say "thank you" for anything I am given. I never take care of anything people give me.
          I am selfish. I never want to do anything for other people even the people who have gonr out of their way for me. I don't shre either. 
          I amnever going to pass high school."
                            A page from my journal.


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@Jenha_LaShay I def will be trying for a second book at least. I have been writing Alice and Kathryn's story and want to share it in some form. As for the prequel i wanted to try? still in the idea stage. And yeah I mean i too with she had survived. Alice wishes it as well im sure? Though i think she would also say that its not a bad thing that Rachel was taken from life before she could really suffer any more :-/ The world they live in is pretty aweful


@stpolishook I really like her now but I wish Rachel was alive. Do you plan on making a squeal 


@Jenha_LaShay ALICE changed your mind;-) hehe. I love her personally and am always glad to see people go from hating her to at least getting a bit more understanding of why she is the way she is<3