
New story coming this November!
          	(assuming I can slap together a decent cover)


Hey all!
          Sorry I haven't posted much lately. I've been slowly working on a much longer story and another short. I finished a cute Orc story a while ago but haven't been able to get a halfway decent cover together to put it on here. If you can't wait, it's been up on Literotica for a while now.
          Hopefully there will be more here soon <3


You write good stuff. Any advice for new smut writers?


@AzekhArhiman Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it.
            As for advice:
            Read other people's smut and see what works. Read/watch essays on writing and the fundamentals of story. Just because we're seen as writing 'low art' doesn't mean we should slack on quality. Other than that just practice and be sensitive about the subject matter.